Our Story
The origin of our food journey started in a small home in Mexico, Mom and Dad were newlyweds and the aroma of burnt beans filled the air of that tiny kitchen, many failures and successes would be had there many discussions of the future, careful planning, many prayers and even more tears later even laughter in time the voices of children would fill the once bitter aroma, the kitchen would be a place to share dreams and one bite at a time life would allow some to come forth .. those two souls became the many we are today, those two lovers created a family and like modern day pioneers made sacrifices and suffered the pains of a better life for posterity and trekked miles to make a place their home. Today we make the mountains of Utah our home certainly life had its ups and downs we their children have mostly all left home but we make our way back to moms from time to time and the aroma that we now find in moms kitchen is a sweet aroma its as a warm hug its the place we come together and one bite at a time we are reminded of the many memories we share. The Cocina Project is our story its sharing the very best of our history its all the dreams and the ideas of home its the story of our heritage and we invite your to step into the aromas we share and reminisce one bite at a time.
Sam Sr.
We grew up watching dad constantly feed people either at the restaurants he worked in or at home. I cant remember a life lesson that wasn't in the kitchen with a side of food growing up. Dad has always been a constant advocate of things coming from the heart and the food at Oteo and Manhattan are evidence of such.
As head Chef his experience in the culinary world allows the ever changing menu to always carry true to a unique blend of not only traditional cooking but also a modern flare and artful appearance. His joy however doesn't come from the food itself but from the reaction to every customers very first glance then bite and the eventual smile that almost always appears as evidence of a job well done.
As the part of the team I find my time best spent not behind a desk or in a closed office but I strive to share in every persons meal that is had at our establishments. Having grown up in a large family the kitchen table was the center of every memory I treasure, our table is how we share a bit of home, and the memories we treasure with the world one bite at a time.